Strategic Financial Solutions Donates Over $1,000 to the American Heart Association in Honor of Heart Awareness Month
New York, NY, – Strategic Financial Solutions held its third annual Carnation Donation event to raise money for the American Heart Association (AHA) in honor of Heart Awareness Month. The company announced that it would sell $3 carnations to employee-owners and all proceeds would go to the AHA. All the money raised will be used to help fund innovative research for new treatments, provide programs and services for survivors and their families, and help lower the risk of developing heart disease and stroke.
“At our core, Strategic is dedicated to helping people everywhere. Heart disease is the number one killer worldwide which makes the American Heart Association such a worthy organization to fundraise for,” said CEO, Ryan Sasson. “Our continued efforts to make physical health as well as financial health a reality for all Americans is something that we are extremely proud of and something that we will continue to dedicate ourselves to.”
More than 300 carnations were purchased by the company’s employee-owners for this critical cause which helped the company raise over $1,000 for the American Heart Association. The AHA has grown into the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke.
“I am incredibly proud to work for a company that is so focused on helping people,” said HR Coordinator, Megan McEnroe. “It’s unique to work around people who take helping others so seriously. I see this every day at Strategic and am excited to be a part of it.”